Onset of vitiligo is mainly guided by food and diet. Autoimmune condition of body is found to be one of the prominent cause of vitiligo by modern medical science. The given cause is also acceptable by Ayurveda as ‘autoimmune syndrome’ is basically caused by some odd food combinations which are widely mentioned in Ayurveda as ‘virudh ahar sevan’.
Whatever food we intake, it actually helps the body metabolism to continue the work inside body and supplied required substance to different part of our body.
Taking odd food items like fish and milk together can result into formation of toxins inside the body. This formed toxin disturbs the metabolic process inside and as a result the cells acts like killing its own cells and tissues. This act of cells is termed autoimmunity.
Now the weaker melanocyte cells gets degenerated and as a result melanin production gets stopped on that particular area. In absence of melanin, the skin area gets colourless or white forming a vitiligo patch.
Formation of Leucoderma spots are a little different. It appears after an injury, cut, burn or due to reaction of chemical as deodorants, perfumes or due to plastic or rubber wearable items. Some cases of Leucoderma are seen to be happened after chlorinated water swimming or just after prolonged water park visit.
Apart from these use of steroids, antibiotics for longer duration also harms immune system. As a result vitiligo is seen emerging in some cases.
Use of junk food items regularly, taking vegetables which are not properly washed and have insecticide or pesticides are seen as most prominent cause of urban vitiligo.
Use of non contaminated food, intake of timely, fresh and balanced food can help to maintain immunity and can prevent a person from autoimmune diseases like vitiligo.